Care Entertainment
Candimoon Specialise in what we like to call
Musical Memory Entertainment,
by selecting a wide variety of popular and classic songs from the past to help residents living in care throughout Northern Ireland recall precious moments of joy and happiness, performed with beautiful harmonies and infectious smiles.

Music is Therapy
All of the wonderful Activity Coordinators we work with will tell you that Music is so much more than just entertainment for the residents of their respective Care Homes. Listening to music is therapy and live music especially is known for its powerful effects on general wellbeing which in turn has considerable effects on health.
This is why we make it a priority to provide as much life affirming music entertainment as possible for Care Environments throughout Northern Ireland and have been doing so for the last 6 years, working with many quality Care Homes who recognise the true value and importance of music for the health and well being of those in their care.
To contact us for a booking click HERE.
None of our work would be possible however, without support from people who care about helping us continue to bring joy to those living in Care, and if you are interested in finding our how you can help us to keep going, then just click on the link below.